Brooklyn, New York has dazzling displays of Christmas lights that literally cover entire yards. But…. Let it be known that the lights in Highland Park are well worth seeing. In many ways, they are more refined and elegant than the displays in New York.
I have been wanting to visit the lights in Highland Park, and tonight a group of friends made the journey.
First stop was Highland Park Village. Carriage rides leave from this location, but we did not have reservations – still, we loved seeing the horses and carriages.
Tom Thumb had fresh cut greenery displayed on the sidewalk – very European. We loved the smell of the greenery so much that some of us had to buy some..
Lights shining in the daytime is a good thing.
Lights shining in the darkness is spectaular. After dinner, it was getting dark, and the sky was glowing with thousands of bright lights. The first street on our self-guided tour was Armstrong Parkway – the home of the Million Dollar Tree. I did not get any pictures in that area, but do be sure to visit Armstrong Parkway to view beautiful displays.
One of the first houses we saw on Beverly Drive had the best looking nutcrackers standing watch beside the doors.
Be still my heart. This is bright and dazzling.
So cute! I love these huge packages and Jolly Old St. Nick.
Yes, these are palm trees wrapped like candy canes.
We loved this nativity scene at this gorgeous home. The figures are large and beautiful.
So many of the trees had lights covering every branch, and they were so bright.
Be still by heart. I love, love, love this bright tree under a covered porch. (There is a matching tree under the other porch on the other end of the house.) Words can not explain how dazzling these lights are.
This is another brightly lit tree. Wow! How do they get the lights on all the branches?
Sweet Mother of Pearl. This tree is taller than this mansion.
Up on a second story balcony was one of the most beautiful nativities I have ever seen.
Deer in a forest grace this lawn.
Be still my heart. Here is another tree that is taller than the house. Not only do they have the TALL tree, there are several other decorated trees in this yard. The decorations around the trees are from The Nutcracker.
Well, I don’t think it would be Texas without a longhorn in someone’s front yard. This is one good looking longhorn. He is wearing a Santa hat and a Christmas wreath.
Merry Christmas y’ll.
Blessings to you and yours,
If you have suggestions of other magnificent lighting displays worthy of a visit, please share.