Sarah invited us to have lunch around the table at her home. Well technically, Jill invited us to have lunch around the table at Sarah’s home. (Jill is our fantastic friend from Mercy Street, and she is Sarah’s sister.)
Both of these girls (ladies) love the Lord, and try to find ways to use their talents to honor Him.
About two years ago, Sarah took a survey that helped her identify her spiritual gifts. As it turns out, Sarah has a gift of hospitality. She loves to entertain, and share love with others. What does hospitality look like – sound like – feel like? That was her challenge. She chose a word for the year – “community”. She wondered how she could use her gift of hospitality in her community?
Then Sarah set a goal of having fellowship around a table with 500 people during the year of 2012. How ambitious. Her father had never built a table before, but he built a cedar table that seats 20 people. The cedar table can withstand the elements, and has a beautiful grey patina. This neighborhood table is in Sarah’s back yard. Sarah met the goal of entertaining 500 people in 2012, and that accomplishment will also be repeated this year (2013).
The Living Stones were invited to gather together with Sarah and Jill, and it was a blessing. Sweet Mother of Pearl! Walking into Sarah’s backyard was like walking into a page in a decorator magazine. It was wonderful.
Sarah’s table was set with fancy pumpkins and antlers. Straw chargers were topped with white dish towels and white plates. Canning jars were filled with water. I liked it. I loved it! Such a good look.
Hanging from the trees were two very large vine chandeliers. Be still my heart!
Flags hung over the carport. I do love lights burning in the daytime. Yes!
Then I noticed the humongous (about 4 feet tall) letters leaning against the fence that spelled out LOVE. Perfect! That is what is felt at Sarah’s, and that is what the gospel is about. When Sarah began this journey, she only knew three of her neighbors by name. Now she knows fifteen of her neighbors by name, and is happy to share food over the fence. Sarah says, “The rule is: If there is an empty place at the table, anyone is welcome to join the celebration.”
Before eating, the Living Stones posed for pictures. We were in a happy mood (Being at Sarah’s will do that for you.), and hands on the hips demonstrated our fun loving attitude.
Then we gathered around the table for Christian fellowship. What a beautiful glorious day.
On the table are markers. Guest are encouraged to autograph and comment by writing on the table and benches.
How true. “This place and Sarah are a gift!”
But Sarah’s vision does not stop here in her backyard. Her goal is to have neighborhood tables in all fifty states by 2020. Already there are two more neighborhood tables in Texas. Her father built the tables for people who wish to share God’s love with others around a meal.
What a blessing it was to join Jill and Sarah on this beautiful day.
Friend BB introduced us to Jill, and I am thankful.
Blessings to you and yours,
Over and over again the Bible tells of the importance of fellowshipping together around a meal. We observe the Last Supper, but as Sarah said, “How wonderful it must have been to have been with Jesus as he cooked the First Breakfast.” It gives me chills to think about it.
When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread.
12 Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” None of the disciples dared ask him, “Who are you?” They knew it was the Lord. 13 Jesus came, took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. (John 21: 9, 12-13)
(I am not kidding when I say that I am convinced that Jesus was a party planner.) How wonderful for Sarah to have this gift of hospitality. How thankful we are to have experienced this gift of hospitality.
Thank you Sarah (and Jill)!