A Tour of Dallas Life Foundation

Posted on: Nov 12, 2013        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

The Dallas Life Foundation’s yearly fundraiser at Fair Park Music Hall was fantastic. (Click HERE to read more.)  We were treated royally, and monies were raised to support this faith based ministry for the homeless in downtown Dallas.

Dallas Life reaches out to homeless men, women and children with food, clothing, shelter, education and long-term rehabilitation programs founded on spiritual principals and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  (From the website.)

The Living Stones Bible Study Fellowship Class recently had a connection with a homeless lady.  Some of us thought that perhaps Dallas Life Foundation could provide her food, shelter, and guidance.  Francene and I decided to take a tour of this homeless shelter, just to see for ourselves what programs are offered.

dallas life

As we drove up, I was not overly impressed.  Dallas Life is located on Cadiz Street (downtown Dallas) in an old 1920’s warehouse building.

dallas life

Inside we met the nicest young lady named Anna.  She is the director of volunteers and the children’s coordinator.  She is very knowledgable, and seems wise beyond her years.  I think her father Bob Sweeney – the director of Dallas Life – has taught her well.  I know he is proud of his daughter.  She talked with us about our friend in need, and then gave us a tour of Dallas Life.

dallas life

The building is clean and does not smell.  (Okay, I did not know what to expect.)

dallas life

The first room we saw was a large room filled with beds.  The women and the men have seperate rooms. (That is not the case in some other shelters.)  Also, there are real beds in this room rather than mats on the floor.  Background checks are made on each person, and sex offenders are not allowed to stay at Dallas Life.   Another difference in the program at Dallas Life from some other programs is that there are facilities for families.  When a person comes to Dallas Life, they live in these common rooms for the first three days.

dallas life

After three days, the person is moved into a room with 3 or 4 other people.  (Families have other quarters.)  Each person has designated space in this room.  At the fundraiser, they mentioned wanting to remodel these rooms, and how much each room cost to be remodeled.

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This was a common area near the bathrooms.

dallas life

The bathrooms have been remodeled, and they are great.

dallas life

Anna told us they assign times so everyone has equal access to the showers.  Toiletries are even supplied for residents of Dallas Life.

dallas life

The laundry room is bright and cheerful.  Detergent also has to be supplied.  As you can see, the needs are great.

dallas life

Residents pay $10.00 a day to stay at Dallas Life.  As Bob Sweeney says, “They aim to give the people a hand up not just a hand out.”  Classes – money management, Bible studies, and job training are taught during the day.  The credit card signs seem a little strange, but residents who receive assistance receive their monies on debit cards.  It was interesting that there was a small store and snack bar inside Dallas Life.  It gives the residents some choices.  Transportation is provided to appointments and events.  Residents are expected to attend worship services each week.

dallas life

Francene and I were very impressed and hopeful our homeless friend would take advantage of the help available at Dallas Life.

This story does not have the happy ending we hoped for.  Homeless friend chose the freedom of the streets over Dallas Life.  It is difficult to understand, but…

Click HERE to visit the Dallas Life website to learn more.  On the site, there are lists of needed items as well as acceptable and unacceptable donations.


– Men’s Deodorant – DESPERATE NEED!!

– Men’s Underwear/T-Shirts (all sizes)

– Women’s Underwear/Bras (large sizes)

– Disposable Razors

– Canned Goods (not damaged or expired)

– Frozen Turkeys

– Boxed Dressing Mix

– Dinner Rolls

– Children’s Backpacks

Volunteers are also needed to serve meals.  Maybe I could do that.

dallas life

In our modern city of Dallas, Texas, it is hard to believe that so many are homeless.  Many are mentally ill and find it difficult to make choices that seem logical to us.  That is hard to understand.

The verse that came to mind throughout this experience was Galatians 6: 9:

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

The workers at Dallas Life have accepted a huge challenge.  If the others workers are like Anna, they serve the Lord with gladness.  It is truly wonderful, amazing, and a blessing.

Blessings to you and yours,

There are wonderful success stories that emerge from residents who take advantage of the opportunities available at Dallas Life.  Not all the residents have mental illness.  Some are people that fell on hard times and found themselves and their families homeless.  Dallas Life provides these people with training and support to help them get their life back on track.