Orchestra Concert Number One

Posted on: Nov 6, 2013        In: Life and Love        With: No comments

Sweet Mother of Pearl.  It is the first of November, and the beginning orchestra students in the Pearce High School attendance area have already given a concert.  Let it be known – they did a mighty fine job.  So glad Hot Rod is playing the cello – he got to sit on the front row, and we could see him.


The first of anything is always special, and this concert amazed me because it demonstrated how far the students have come in this short time.

One of the directors mentioned that this was the largest and most talented class of beginning orchestra students they had ever had.  There was a large number of students.


Basically they demonstrated everything they have learned from the beginning of the school year.  First they had to learn how to hold their instrument.  In the beginning they learned to pluck one note, and then they learned a second note.  Next they played a song using both notes.  You are beginning to get the idea.


Eventually they used their bows to make music.

By the end of the concert, the orchestra was able to  play Ode to Joy.  It was very impressive for about two months of instruction.


The Grand Finale was great fun.  Each child invited one parent to come on stage and learn their beginning lesson.  The students had four minutes to “teach” their parents what to do.


The parents were NOT as good as the students, but it did give the parents an idea of what each child is going through to learn to play their instruments and be a part of an orchestra.


Congratulations the teachers and the students for an enjoyable and impressive evening.  Also a big shout out to Hot Rod for a job well done.

Blessings to you and yours,


