Shower Invitation

Posted on: Oct 18, 2013        In: Gatherings        With: No comments

Weddings are such special times, and the major excitement around here this fall has been Stephanie’s wedding.  Sweet Mother of Pearl!  All of the ladies of the Living Stones Bible Fellowship have been excited. (Understatement!)  As one of the ladies mentioned, “This is the wedding of the century.”   As far as we are concerned, I do believe she is right.

A group of us have been planning Stephanie’s wedding shower. (One of my favorite things to do.)

The shower happened, and now I can share.  From the beginning (planning) to the end (party), it was fun.  Sometimes I think planning a party is as much fun as the actual party.

The Invitation:

Number Three Son designed the invitation for us, and I loved it.  We wanted the party to have a slight Art Deco vibe.  This past July 4 Stephanie was talking about how she loved the Art Deco architecture at Fair Park, and her engagement ring is also a vintage ring from the Art Deco era.  That was a beginning.  Shower2_Online

This is the invitation.  Well actually, this is not the actual invitation.  For the World Wide Web, we changed the names and facts to protect the innocent.  So many people commented about the invitation, and it did have the Art Deco feel.  A big shout-out to Number Three Son!

There is so much more to share about this shower – pictures and recipes –  and I promise I will share more soon.  But, this will have to do for now.

Blessings to you and yours,