Let it be known – When we give parties, Friend BB and Mrs. Ralph (And Super Sister – when she is in town.) are designated sugar cookie icers. Oh – I make the dough (Granny’s Sugar Cookies – Click HERE for the recipe.) I rolle out the dough. I cut the dough. I bake the dough. I make the Cream Cheese Icing (Click HERE for the recipe.), and then I am not allowed to do more. Yes, I failed Icing 101. It is okay. It is not my talent.
For Jessica’s Baby Shower (More post to come) we wanted lamb and moon sugar cookies. Jessica’s nursery is filled with lambs, and these babies (Yes, twin babies.) are going to be “loved to the moon and back”. Now our cookies are not the type with the hard shiny royal icing. We like the rich creamy cream cheese icing – because it tastes divine.
Friend BB and Mrs. Ralph used the assembly line method for icing the cookies. Mrs. Ralph’s job was to spread icing on the cookie. For the lambs, she did not make the icing too smooth (It was to look like wool.)
Friend BB was in charge of sprinkling sanding sugar on the cookies to make them sparkle. (The perfect job for the Queen of Glitz and Glam.)
Friend BB also added little black eyes to the baby lambs.
Here you can see the before and after. Cute!
This is part of our little flock of lambs.
“Love you to the moon and back” moons were dusted with yellow sanding sugar.
Mission accomplished! Cookies were iced, and there were high fives all around.
Of course, Mrs. Ralph had to lick the spreader. Yummy! More than one hostess did not want to see any icing go to waste. They took leftovers home for future snacks.
It is so much fun working with these girls on a party. We laughed and laughed, recalled memories from years past, and made new memories. Life is good.
On the table, the cookies got many comments. “They are so cute.” “Love the lambs.” “These cookies are yummy.”
(Other cookies on the plate were Katie’s meringue cookies – fantastic! The yogurt covered stars were from Trader Joe’s.)
It was a blessing to help give this shower. We love Seth and Jessica and are so happy for them. Their babies will be “loved to the moon and back” by their parents, their grandparents, and this entire village.
Blessings to you and yours.
There is so much to share about this shower – more later.