First let me tell you. I was so impressed. When we arrived to visit Ann and Bob recently, Bob was cooking dinner. Ann had had a big day of tests to affirm that she continues to be cancer free, and he thought he would cook her dinner. Sweet Mother of Pearl. That is about the nicest thing I have heard of recently.
Get this. He looked on the internet and found recipes for a spaghetti squash casserole and oven baked chicken. Doesn’t that casserole look delicious?
Some time ago I shared a home tour of Ann and Robert’s new home. They had a room in their home affectionately called “The Dungeon.” The floor was bare. Boxes and furniture from their recent move were stored in the dungeon, and at times Ann said she might just keep the dungeon because it was helpful to have a storeroom, and she liked it.
Trust me. I knew that would not last. Ann got to work, and created a lovely room filled with family mementoes. Everything in the room is connected to their families.
Sweet Mother of Pearl. Husband Bob was born in this bed. MasterCard can’t buy treasures like these.
On the bed is the fanciest little bear you will ever meet. She has a velvet hat adorned with a feather and a flower. She is wearing jewelry, and her dress is a beautiful floral. This bear is so special. Ann gave it to “Grandmother” (Ann’s name for Mother). Mother and Ann had such a special bond. Ann would visit Mother while I worked, and she took the time to communicate with her and send her gifts. Mother loved Ann. When Mother heard Ann was going through chemo, Mother had to come to Dallas to see her friend Ann. Friendships like this go beyond description.
This little desk once belong to Ann’s son-in-law’s great uncle. Ann spent many hours/days stripping the desk and refinishing it. I love the graceful lines, and it fits right in this space. On the desk are family keepsakes.
One Christmas Robert’s mother gave each family a book that listed all the family birthdays. What a wonderful gift.
There is a little window area in this room where a couple of quilted bears live. The bears are made from a quilt Bob and Ann received as a wedding present. One day their dog chewed a hole in the quilt, and they decided to use the quilt to make these precious bears. The little rocking chair was Bob’s, and he even autographed it a long long time ago. This bear is holding a storybook given to Kimberly (daughter) on her first birthday.
Sweet Mother of Pearl. I do like this Mother Goose book. So many people have keepsakes such as this, but do not display them. I love that these treasures are being used and shared.
The illustrations are wonderful with their vibrant colors and details.
I love, love, love, the family portrait of Bob’s grandmother in the bubble glass frame. The needlework pictures were done by Ann’s sweet grandmother.
For years Ann collected cups and saucers. What a perfect little shelf to display this collection.
The little glass shoes belonged to Bob’s mother and his Aunt Cotton. I believe they were bought at the Crazy Water Hotel in Mineral Wells, Texas. His mother made sure to include little notes in each keepsake. It certainly does help.
Family pictures and music boxes top this table. The little church was Bob’s mother’s (Ann and Bob had given it to her.), and the Salzburg music box was a souvenir from Germany that Ann and Bob gave to Ann’s sweet grandmother.
Outside there have been a few changes since our last visit. Patio furniture that was gifted to them looks great. They have an incredible view. I like it. I love it.
One day while visiting Buena Vista, Arkansas Bob found this barb wire next to the railroad track, and he made it into a wreath for Ann. Wow!
The “Big Foot” stepping stones were bought on their last road trip up north. So cute!
Ann bought material and covered cornice boards in her dining room. Yes, they did it themselves. Ann and Bob are always working and changing things, and I love what they have done.
Ann also had a friend to edge the material for a table scarf. The material is so pretty.
I just have to show you this. In the study is a stack of boxes filled with items to take to the Valley on the next mission trip. Ann and Bob have been involved in this ministry for many years. This is just the beginning. There will be more.
This plaque is under a picture in their hallway. It so describes Ann and Bob’s home. With all the family treasures and the care they show for each other, there is no doubt that love has built this home.
Blessings to you and yours,
This is the verse that came to mind as I thought of Ann and Bob’s home:
Psalm 127:1a
127 Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.