We have missed getting to go to Buckner International this summer. During the summertime, they have many youth groups volunteer to sort shoes. So we took the summer off, but Sweet Mother of Pearl – it was so good to be back.
For those who do not know, Buckner International sends shoes all around the world (home and abroad) to people in need. In many countries, children can not go to school if they do not have shoes. Also going without shoes is a great health hazard. Going to volunteer at Buckner does not cost anything but time. We enjoy each other’s company so much. After our shift of sorting shoes, we then enjoy a meal together. Life is good.
Today we met our new coordinator, Grady (on the left). Alex moved to Florida to be an assistant minister. We liked loved Alex, but we are thankful for this opportunity in his life. I know already that we are going to like love Grady. He is friendly with a pleasant chuckle. Steve (on the right) is one of our favorites at Buckner. The happiness that shines from within him is a blessing. I always like it when Steve comes around.
Today there were so many sweet notes in the shoes. These are notes written by children and some adults that have sent the shoes. One family enclosed a photograph with their shoes. You can tell there were heartfelt prayers sent with the shoes.
Camryn worked hard on her note. See the “frown” and tears of someone without shoes. But shoes = hope. So true.
Mary, Ivey, Josh, and Mackinzie included Bible verses in their notes.
The stickers and decorations would make anybody smile.
I can just imagine the smiles on the children’s faces when they get the new shoes with these precious notes.
Sometimes I wonder how our notes will translate in other languages. I think any child would love this note and what it says.
Someone went to a lot of trouble to make this card. I love the Dr. Seuss quote,
” You have brains in your head.
And feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself
Any direction you choose”
How fitting! On the back were some Bible verses.
Nothing is sweeter than a note written in a young child’s handwriting. I know from experience that this was an effort for this little one. It melts my heart!
Can you feel the love in this note? I do love it.
What a fantastic note. Yes, these shoes are from someone’s heart.
Misty wrote a letter. I love that she says, “I wish I could have given them to you myself.” And “Most importantly, I want you to know that Jesus loves you!!” Yes!
“Dear Someone,
I hope you enjoy these shoes. We thought about you when whe(sic) bought them.”
Each pair of shoes sent to Buckner represents the hope that “someone” will have a better life.
Grace also sent heartfelt love in her darling note.
This was a letter from Perryton, Texas addressed to Dear Sweet Child. Be still my heart! The map is also a nice addition.
What a wonderful note. It is so true. Shoes = Hope!
At the end of our shift, Molly (on the right) wanted to talk with us about helping Buckner with a shoe drive. There is always a need for more shoes. Go to their website www.buckner.org to find more information.
This was the gang (Albers Men’s Class and The Living Stones + ) today. It was a good day, and we were blessed.
Blessings to you and yours,