Drum roll, please. (I do like drum rolls.)
It was a celebration honoring Aunt Lois who is 101 years young. Yes, that is one hundred plus one. (We learned expanded notation in second grade.) AND she is doing well – Thank you very much. Oh, she has her problems – eyesight extremely bad, hearing not so good, and walking is difficult. BUT, her mind is SHARP, and her memory is better than mine. She is amazing. When I asked here if she was tired at the end of the party, she told me she doesn’t get tired. Wish I could say that.
The party was like a mini-reunion. Cousins were there – It is always so much fun being with them. LaNell, Janet, and Don are siblings. Then there is Super Sister and me.
Great nieces and nephews joined in the fun. Pam and Troy did a wonderful job of planning the party. Laurie (in the middle) is fantastic – I would adopt her, but I don’t think LaNell would give her up.
Super Sister’s precious grandchildren – Sadie, Carson, and Aubrey – enjoyed being with Aunt Lois.
Don’s grandchildren were having fun hanging out in the corner. Aren’t they cute.
Aunt Lois got plenty of hugs. She is a good hugger.
Patty on the left is Don’s wife. Her mother came to the party. It was her birthday also – I think she is a young 94. Doesn’t she look good?
Friends from Good Tree came to help celebrate.
It was a delight to meet these two “young” ladies – Iris and Love. They told me, “We are right behind Lois”.
I didn’t understand. “You live behind Lois?”, I asked.
“No, there is nine months difference in each of our ages. Lois is 101, I (Love – on right) am 100, and Iris is 99. We still get out and go, but Lois can’t.” Be still my heart. It was unbelievable. They were spry and feisty. I loved meeting them.
I think this is the only picture of my cousin Alene (far left). Alene is Aunt Lois’ daughter. She wasn’t around when we were taking group pictures, and I hate that I didn’t get a better picture of her and her husband David.
Even a four legged friend came to the party.
On Sunday afternoons, a couple who play bluegrass gospel music come to entertain at Good Tree. It was so much fun to have toe-tapping music at the party. It was hard not to sing along.
I wanted to share this cute idea for displaying pictures. The pictures were clipped into clothespins, and then they stood the pictures up on the tables. I could do that.
We love you Aunt Lois. Looking forward to next year.
Blessings to you and yours,