Friend BB’s Stomping Grounds – Hardin-Simmons, Skeet’s, and the Home Place

Posted on: Jul 31, 2013        In: Out and About        With: No comments

Friend BB knew we were going to Abilene.  She knew we were going to Frontier Texas.  SO – she suggested we make a left turn and go by Hardin Simmons University – which by the way just happens to be her alma mater.  She assured us it was not out of the way, and so left we did turn.  Sure enough – down the road was dear old Hardin-Simmons University.

.  Hardin-Simmons 1

Friend BB and many others attended this fine university.  I am here to tell you – the campus looked fantastic.

Hardin-Simmons 2

(Understand – we did not have much time for the campus tour, and these pictures were taken through a windshield.  A windshield that had already traveled I-20 for over three hours.  Just ignore the smushed bugs.)  Instead, look at the beautiful bell tower, and the trees lining the entrance to the campus.  Good looking!

Harden-Simmons 3

The grounds were well manicured and there was even art work on the lawn.  I was impressed.

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Next Friend BB suggested we stop in Merkel, Texas – which just happens to be Friend BB’s hometown – at Skeet’s Texas Grill for lunch.  We have heard about Skeet’s for many many years,  We have wanted to eat at Skeet’s for many many years, but….  It would not be lunch time when we would be going through Merkel, or we thought we didn’t have time to stop for a sit down meal,  or it would be closed because we were traveling on a Sunday. (Skeet’s is closed on Sundays.)

I guess the moon was in the right phase or something like that because on this day we ate at Skeet’s.  Be still my heart.  From this day forward if we are traveling I-20 west of Abilene, I will beg to eat at Skeet’s.  It might even qualify as a “destination restaurant”.Skeets 8

Skeet’s decor is down home Texas.  It is inviting, comfortable, and lives up to its name as a Texas Grill.

Skeets 2

The branded walls were a nice touch.

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BUT the food is the real star at Skeet’s Texas Grill.  We took Friend BB’s advice and ordered fajitas and chicken fried steak.

The fajitas came with chips and hot sauce that had a bit of a kick to it.  (It was hot hot sauce.)

Skeets 5

Sweet Mother of Pearl – Just look at this.  For less than $9.00, I had this ample serving of fajitas with grilled veggies.  It came with all the fixin’s – guacamole, sour cream, beans, cheese, and tortillas.  The meat was juicy, tender, and delicious.

Skeets 6

Friend BB also recommended the chicken fried steak.  Be still my heart!  I am not lying about this.  Ever-Lovin’s chicken fried steak ranks among the best chicken fried steaks I have ever tasted.  The meat was tender and flavorful.  The breading was just right – not too thick, and it stayed on the steak.  Even Ever-Lovin’ praised the gravy.  Yummy!

Skeets 9

We loved the sign on the side window.  Trucks Welcome.  I bet the truckers love to eat at Skeet’s Texas Grill.  FYI:  Friend BB also recommends their hamburgers.

With full and happy tummies, we headed down the road again.


From the highway, we can see the home place of Friend BB’s dear husband Sherman.  Sherman was born in this home.  Usually we wave to the house as we drive down the highway, but on this day, Ever-Lovin’ drove down the road that leads to the house.  When Friend BB’s mother-in-law lived here, the house was painted white, but the new owners painted the little house red.  It looks neat and well kept.

What a fun time we had in Friend BB’s stomping grounds.  We visited Frontier Texas, drove through Hardin-Simmons University, ate at Skeet’s Texas Grill, and paid homage to Sherman’s birthplace.  Life is good.

Blessings to you and yours,

Thank you Friend BB for the recommendations.