Aunt Lois is 100 years young. She is amazing.
Aunt Lois is blind and has trouble hearing, but she is still sharp. She lives in Stephenville, Texas, and Super Sister and I have been trying to visit her once a month. True confession. We had to put ourselves on a schedule so that we would do what we were suppose to do. This month Cousin Janie and her daughter Amy joined us.
Aunt Lois had poems to share with us. She thought that since it had been so windy, she would recite poems about the wind. How wonderful to be almost 101 years old and still be able to recite poetry.
Super Sister recorded the poems, and let Aunt Lois hear herself. Sweet Mother of Pearl. It was the cutest thing ever. I tried to link to the video, but I am computer illiterate, and I couldn’t do it. (I think it is on my Facebook page.)
Cousin Janie was visiting with Aunt Lois in the library at her assisted living home. That is where we were served lunch.
This is Amy. I looked her up on the cousin’s chart, (Yes, there is such a thing.) and she is my “first cousin once removed”. Her great-grandmother was my grandmother. Amy is as sweet as she is pretty.
I love Super Sister. She is so beautiful, and my confidant. She thinks of the sweetest things to do for Aunt Lois. On this trip she brought supplies to give Aunt Lois a manicure. (She used to give Mother manicures.) Super Sister is so thoughtful, and Aunt Lois loved being pampered and having her nails done.
After lunch, Aunt Lois was ready for a nap, and we were ready to play. We had decided to make this an overnight trip – a girls outing.
Sweet Mother of Pearl. Amy made us “happies.” You can tell that we were having fun. We laughed and laughed the entire time. Janie’s parents lived in Stephenville for years, and she knows all the good haunts in the area. Amy had a list of places she would like to revisit. So we were in for some fun.
First stop was Hico.
There are some cute shops in historic downtown Hico along Pecan Street. We did not visit all of them, (Does that sound familiar?) so we will be back.
The western furniture and decorative items were top of the line. Notice the chairs. I like them. I love them.
We bought delicious popcorn from the Hico popcorn Works. I think we made the owners day with our purchases. He was excited to see us.
Sugar Moon Antiques had some cute things, but we didn’t find anything to buy on that day. I would go back. The owner was delightful.
One of Hico’s claim to fame is that it was the home of Billy the Kid. There are doubts about this, and national news broadcasts as well as Unsolved Mysteries have tried in vain to discover the truth. The local Billy the Kid Museum presents the various theories, and you can decide what you think.
The Wiseman House is the historic home of photographer Frank Rufus Wiseman.
These days hand-made quality chocolates are sold here. They are wonderful.
This is also a darling gift shop and antique store.
The Koffee Kup Restaurant is semi-famous and has been featured in newspapers, magazines and even on the Texas Country Reporter television show. It is a favorite stopping place for bikers, so you know it is good. It was on Amy’s list, and I was glad. You need to know that they do not accept credit cards, but there is an ATM machine in the entrance to the restaurant. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served, so no matter what time of day you are passing through, you have a chance to stop at the Koffee Kup.
The chicken-fried steak and onion rings are worth the trip.
Super Sister’s taco salad was declared good.
Of course, the pies are legendary.
Look at the “mile-high” meringue.
Janie and I shared the coconut and chocolate pies. I must say that the chocolate was better. I love taste comparisons.
With full bellies, we headed back to Stephenville for more fun and laughter. We borrowed a deck of cards from the front desk and decided to play spades. I will not be rude and tell who won, but we did have great fun. I laughed and laughed until my side hurt. It is such a blessing to be with family that we love dearly.
Blessings to you and yours,
I do hope Janie and Amy will join us again. We have places to go, and things to see.