“What we have here is a failure to communicate.” That is the way it is.
I am sure none of you have this problem, but true confession – we do. Here is our story. Just the facts.
I wanted some herbs to put on the new front porch. While I was buying some herbs, the lady at Calloway’s mentioned I could plant pansies in with my herbs because they were edible flowers. I had seen packs of pansies at Lowe’s on clearance for $5.00 a pack. That was less expensive than the pansies at Calloway’s. My bad was to call the packs of pansies “flats.” Big difference.
My plan was go out with friends and eat at Sissy’s (So I could write Lanabird – the blog). It is a hard life but somebody has to do it. NOT!
Ever-Lovin’ was rather content to stay at home. (Honestly I think he wanted to go to Sissy’s.) My thinking was – “If he was home, couldn’t he run one short errand for me while I was out and about. He could go to Lowe’s and buy pansies. If he would get the pansies while I was out having a good time, I would plant them when I got home.” Sounded like a good plan to me.
As you know, Ever-Lovin’ is good to me, and he agreed to go and buy the pansies. Yea!
When I got home, Ever-Lovin’ mentioned that he had bought the pansies, and they cost a bazillion dollars.
“What? They were only $5.00 a pack at Lowe’s.”
“A pack? ” Ever-Lovin’ ask. “No,” says he. “You told me to buy three ‘flats of pansies’ at Calloway’s.”
“I bought the herbs at Calloway’s, but you were to buy the $5.00 packs at Lowe’s”
See these beautiful pansies. This is less than a third of the pansies Ever-Lovin’ bought. We talked about taking them back, but….
They were so pretty. Much prettier than the pansies at Lowe’s. I wanted to keep the Calloway pansies.
Using pots from spring plantings, I planted pansies, and planted pansies, and planted pansies until I used up the entire large bag of soil. And as you can see from the first picture, I still have more pansies to plant.
The plus to this story is the pansies are so pretty on the new porch. How wonderful to have splashes of color on winter days.
All’s well that ends well in this story anyway.
Blessings to you and yours,
Tomorrow I will finish planting pansies – we got another bag of soil.