I want to go back to Grapevine. What a neat town. Yes, I have been several times in the past, but when I went with Ever-Lovin’ to Tobert’s a while back, we walked around a bit, and I thought, “We should do this more often.” (Maybe next time with some girlfriends. – They would enjoy shopping more than Ever-Lovin.)
Grapevine is a Preserve America Community, and they value their heritage. Tolbert’s and the other shops enjoy being in historic buildings. The shops in the old buildings have such charm.
Wow! How impressive. They do try to provide ample Public Parking. Maybe on busier days it could be a problem, but we were able to find a spot even though it was in the third or fouth lot we tried.
The Grapevine Olive Oil Company sells delicious oils and vinegars. High quality stuff. You get to taste before you buy. Willow Cottage sells apparel that does not fit me. Cute things in there though.
There were other shops and antique malls, but on this day we mainly window shopped. (See why I want to go back.)
On the way back to the car, we stepped into this pre-fab building at a shop called Rusty Rabbit – dare you to say that three times. It was behind the stores that were on Main Street. There are some seriously cute things in this store. Items were purchased, but I can’t show and tell because said pretty is for Super Sister’s birthday. (Can I wait until March to give it to her? I doubt it!)
Also on the other way to the car, we saw Esparza’s Restaurante Mexicano. Twice in the past I have eaten here, and it is good! When it was recommended to us, they mentioned that this restaurant is a favorite of the pilots and stewardess that fly out of DFW. Parking has been a problem for this restaurant on East Worth Street right off Main Street, but it looked like there was a new parking lot behind the restaurant.
Another favorite shop in Grapevine is the British Emporium. Truth be told. I have been known to drive to Grapevine in order to buy from the British Emporium. This is where you go for Spotted Dick (plus other English can goods, jams, teas, meat pies, and British souvenirs. Just think, you do not have to pay airfare to experience England.) Wish I had taken pictures inside. I will ask them next time, because I would love to show you this shop. Almost everything in the Emporium is from England. It is in a strip shopping center on Main Street just north of the historical part of Grapevine.
Ever-Lovin’s bought his favorites: Hobnobs, Ginger Lemon Cream Cookies, and Mince Tarts (the larger mince tarts are better than the mini mince tarts). He was a happy camper.
Anybody want to visit Grapevine?
Blessings to you and yours,
Concerning Downton Abbey tonight: I hated it. I hated it. I hated it. Did I tell you how much I hated it? How dare they let sweet Lady Sybil die. It was perhaps the most awful gut-wrenching hour on TV I have ever experienced. The entire show is going to you know where in a hand basket. At this point, I do not see any hope. True to life – maybe – but I do not like it.
Lord Grantham is a villain – imagine that? As Dr. Phil would say, “How is this working for you, Lord Grantham?”
How can they possible make Downton Abbey enjoyable again?