Christmas has come and gone, and I did not do half of what I wanted to do. Well, that may not be entirely the truth because I did some wonderful things this year.
But… I always have such grand ideas – goodies to cook and bake, packages wrapped magnificently, and excursions to delight the soul. (Okay, I know some of you are groaning at this, but it is the truth.)
The biggest disappointments are things I have not shared with you. Hopefully you are still in the holiday spirit and can enjoy the home of my dear friend I fondly call The Mrs. We toured her New Mexico cabin this summer, and now you can see her North Dallas home. It is beautiful. The Mrs. has a certain touch, and it amazes me. She has “stuff”, but her home does not feel cluttered. It is relaxing to be in her home.
On this morning, we were invited for coffee. You would know that the tartan place mats took my breath away. She has had the cute gingerbread house mugs for years. I like them. I love them.
The Mrs. only has collections of santas and nativities. She focuses on what she really loves.
Have you ever thought about Santa delivering gifts on a bear?
The Merry Christmas Garland hangs over the kitchen sink.
There were santas in every nook and cranny.
What a good idea to display these santas on a platter.
The nesting santas are from Russia.
Then there were the beyond wonderful nativity sets. This was the first nativity The Mrs. bought. Several of us commented that we have similar sets.
The Mrs. has nativities from all over the world.
Be still my heart. This entrance is lovely, and I could look at this for a very long time.
What a wonderful dining room. It has just the right touch, and there is room to move around.
On the back wall of the dining room, is this Santa on canvas. I will not covet, but….
It is relaxing to sit in the living room. The forest of small trees is a great idea. They are so pretty decorated with glass ornaments.
Sweet Mother of Pearl. This is the guest bedroom. Pinch me. I really know someone who owns these fabulous twin beds.
The apostle lamp is one of my favorites. I have never seen another one like it.
The Mrs. owns quality items, and they are displayed well.
We had to leave. It was a wonderful morning. Good food, good friends, and a beautiful home tour. Thank you Mrs. for letting me share your home.
Blessings to you and yours.,