A girls day out – What could be better?
Some of the members of our Living Stones Bible Fellowship Class went on an outing to Granbury, Texas. At a little after 9:00 a.m., seven of us crammed into trusty Tahoe, and we were on the road. Now that you can take the George Bush Turnpike all the way to I20 it is easy breezy.
Coming into Granbury on highway 377 is Cowboy Marketplace. They have home decor, furniture, kitchenware, costume and Native American jewelry, and so much more. It is a fun place to shop, and I highly recommend stopping there.
Downtown Granbury is a town square built around the courthouse. How wonderful to have this beautiful old courthouse in the middle of town.
The town is quaint and charming, and many of the buildings have historical markers. We were excited to find a parking space.
First order of business was to eat. (Are you surprised?) Reservation man from the theater suggested Paradise Bistro and Coffee Co., or Babe’s, or any of the other multitude of eating establishments around the square. Okay, we have Babe’s near Richardson, and Paradise Bistro and Coffee Co. was a sandwich/soup/salad type of place.
Paradise Bistro and Coffee Co. was the restaurant of choice. The girls grabbed a row of empty seats (they were also at a premium) and we were good to go.
Several got the chicken salad either on a salad plate (with a bow-tie pasta salad) or as a sandwich. The reviews were mixed. Add agreed it was different. The chipolte mayonnaise added a kick – some loved it while others did not care for it.
Pat raved about the turkey sandwich. It does look good. There are French fried onion rings in this sandwich, and it is served on jalapeño cheese bread. What is not to like? Truth be known – there are several other sandwiches on the menu that I would like to try.
Wynette’s salad was tasty. (Large slices of bacon are a little odd.)
My frittata was good, but it was more like a breakfast casserole or egg muffin than a frittata. This is a great idea for serving individual servings of breakfast casseroles. I think I will have to try it. The spicy salsa was excellent, and it went well with the frittata. Sweet Mother of Pearl. I loved the bread – it was grilled on one side and utterly delicious!
Some had desserts, and from what I tasted they were also different and wonderful.
Gala’s honey cashew bar was delish! Cashews are one of the loves of my life, so this was my kind of eating. The filling was like a rich pecan pie filling.
Okay, I was a little slow to get this picture of the Bourbon Pecan Pie. Becky and Patty had already eaten half of it, but they did want me to take a picture because it was yummy!
While we were eating, they girls started yelling – “You have to get this picture.” For us city folks, bales of hay riding through the middle of town is an event. By the time I got outside, it was moving on, but I did manage a picture.
Fortified by lunch we were ready for some serious shopping.
There are lots of shops around the square in Granbury – antiques, clothing, jewelry, gifts, home decor, and on and on and on.
There was enough bling in this shop for friend BB.
In one shop friend BB met the cutest four sisters from Indiana. How cool is that to be taking a trip with your sisters. They take a trip together once a year. Had to take their picture.
I was so thankful Pat showed me the Bras for a Cause. For $1.00 you could vote for your favorite bra. The money goes to cancer research. Pat’s daughter is a cancer survivor, and Pat volunteers at a cancer center once a week. Her sister also participates in the Bra for a Cause fundraisers. The bra with keys on it read, “Together We Can Find the Key to Unlock the Cure.” I liked that.
Wreaths made of mesh ribbon were everywhere and were gorgeous. One shop had bolts and bolts and bolts of the mesh ribbon. If you are looking for mesh ribbon, they got it.
Then it was time for the matinee. We had tickets to see “The Secret Garden.” It was performed by the Granbury Theatre Company. I loved it. The actors had beautiful voices and you could actually hear what they were singing. Some of us are actually thinking of returning for some of their other performances. “Fiddler on the Roof” begins next week, and the Christmas shows also sounds interesting. It is “Forever Plaid: Plaid Tidings.” Tickets are reasonable -$20.00 or less.
On the way home, we stopped at What-a-Burger. If you haven’t tried What-a-Burger’s Chophouse Burger you have missed a treat. Friend Betty introduced me to the Chophouse Burger – it has grilled onions and a delicious steak sauce – and now I am addicted. You can get them in the junior size which is what I like.
By 8:30 pm we were home. Tired but thankful for a fun day being with good friends.
Blessings to you and yours,
I must admit that on the way home there was considerable discussion about who would be in Bible Fellowship Class on Sunday. I am proud to say that most of us made it.