Hot Rod had a birthday party, and it rocked.
Some time ago Hot Rod decided he wanted a Rock Star party. Number One Son, set about to accommodate his request.
The invitation was designed like a concert ticket. There were several examples of these on Pinterest, and Number One Son took his inspiration from them. As the boys and parents entered, they were given their backstage passes, and encouraged to dress like a rock star for a photo shoot.
Rock and Roll is here to stay!
Around the room were classic rock star posters. Number One Son did these, and they were fantastic!
Could that be Elvis? (You can tell who I relate to.) “Hunka-hunka burning love.” In “The Green Room” there were snacks for munching. Peanut butter and pimento cheese sandwiches, pigs in the blanket, chips and salsa, MM’s – (no brown – Van Halen’s request), chicken nuggets, and star sugar cookies.
Then it was time for WhirlyBall.
Have you heard of WhirlyBall? The boys were in bumper cars. They held wiffleball holder thingies. (Even the site did not give them a name. – What’s a blogger to do?)
These boys were you know what on wheels. They had to hit the basketball style backboard goal with a wiffleball to score points.
They had fun.
Back in the “Green Room” sunglasses and tattoo sleeves completed the look.
Rock on!
“We will, we will rock you!”
There was pizza.
A chocolate cake with chocolate icing made especially for this special rock star.
And candles that refused to blow out. (Not planned, but fun anyway.) This cracks me up. The mustaches were a big hit with the boys. See friend in the green jacket with the mustache on his cheek. It had been all over his face during the party. Too funny.
For the record, Hot Rod is now officially a “tween”. Eleven years old. Boo-hoo! I would put a brick on his head if that would help. It just seems like yesterday when we sat through the night waiting and waiting and waiting for his entrance into this world. Then he was so little – 5 pounds and 12 ounces. That is little.
Now he is in growth spurt mode. Kid’s meals do not always satisfy him, and every time I look at him I swear he is taller. Best part is – he is super! He is kind, intelligent, funny, and loving. He love me, and I love him “to the moon and back”.
Blessings to you and yours,
Number One Son did such a super job on this party, and everyone had a rocking good time. Loved the invitations, backstage passes, and posters. Great job!