Never been there. Never done that. In all my forty something years as a resident of Dallas County, I had never been to the Old Red Museum. I had wondered about it, and told people I wanted to go, but…
We saw the floats, found a parking space, and proceeded to watch the State Fair of Texas Parade.
We were right there. Standing on the lawn of The Old Red Courthouse. After the parade, we took advantage of the opportunity to see The Old Red Museum of Dallas County History and Culture. I am glad we did. The building itself is magnificent. Originally built in 1892, the courthouse underwent many transformations throughout the years. The most recent restorations were finished in 2007.
Be still my heart! As we entered, we were greeted by a glowing Mobile Oil Pegasus. This Pegasus was salvaged from a Mobil station in Casa Linda. Loved it!
When you walk on further into the building you see “Old Red’s most impressive physical feature” – The Grand Staircase. It is so beautiful. It has been restored to its original 1892 appearance – they were able to use remnants of the original staircase for the restoration. Unbelievable! Especially since the original staircase was removed in 1920.
We bought our tickets ($6.00 for senior citizens and students – $8.00 for adults – $5.00 for children), and went to the second floor of the museum. The exhibits are grouped into four time periods.
- The Early Years – Prehistory to 1893
- Trading Center – 1894-1917
- Big D – 1918-1945
- World Crossroads – Since 1946
For each time period there is a very good video presentation. Then each section has artifacts on display. Like the dork that I am, I got so interested in everything that I didn’t take many pictures.
This 1890’s State Fair poster is revealing.
The cigar store Indian was Won-der-ful! Loved the colors.
Wouldn’t you know. I would take a picture of dishes. I do love the old brown teapot.
There is so much more for you to see at The Red Museum. The next time I go, (and I do want to go back) I want to be sure to go on a tour. You get to see all four floors of the courthouse -which includes visiting a restored courtroom, and the vault. Then I will do better, and I will take more pictures. Promise!
Blessings to you and yours,
I found this historical marker outside the museum very interesting.
I got my information about Old Red Museum from their website – oldred.org.