Eating fair food is one of the main reasons to go to the fair. That is a true statement – at least as I understand it. There are contest for the best new fried foods. Daily newspaper articles and TV news reports extoll the food at the fair. I would not doubt that there are close to a bazillion (give or take a million) food choices at The State Fair of Texas.
You have heard about the fried foods. They fry almost everything except the kitchen sink. Chicken skins, mashed potatoes, and even beer. How do they do that? There were so many fried foods – it was amazing. Basically we were boring and stuck with our old favorites. (Some fried foods seem to-o-o odd., but I guess that is the point.)
Here is what we et:
Walking Taco – Delicious! A Tex-Mex version of the Frito Pie. I liked the veggies, and I would order one again.
Sometime later we (I think it was mainly me) succumbed to temptation and got the glorious Original Funnel Cake covered with powdered sugar. Yummy! It could have been a little crispier, but nevertheless, we gobbled it up in no time (with powdered sugar from head to toe to prove it).
This is the line for Fletcher’s Corny Dogs near Big Tex (Happy Birthday to Big Tex – He is sixty this year.) We decided to try another location.
Here it is – A Fletcher’s Corny Dog. I had forgotten how good they are. I mean – it was really, really, really good. I wished we hadn’t shared. I may have to go back to the fair to buy another one, and this time I am not going to share. I want my own. (Yes, I do like more than a little bit of mustard on a corny dog.)
Ever-Lovin’ like it too. The corn batter surrounding the hot dog is light and delicious. I wish I had one right now.
A while later, we decided to try something fried. I know, the funnel cake and Fletcher’s Corny Dogs were fried, but we wanted to try a fried thing we considered unusual.
Our choice was (drum roll please) Fried Cheesecake. Ta-da-ta-da-ta-da! And the Fried Cheesecake did pass the test. It is basically cheesecake wrapped like a burrito and fried. We really liked it. I wonder if they had sauces for sale? The Fried Cheesecake would have been good dipped in a chocolate or a raspberry sauce.
There were so many things we did not try. (Yes, we have our limits – in case you didn’t know.)
If we go back, we want to try – corn on the cob, fried green tomatoes, fried sauerkraut, food at The Dock, and more Fletcher’s Corny Dogs. I would list more, but it is embarrassing.
Blessings to you and yours,
All in all, I thought the fair food was better than fair. It was down right good.