While driving down Highway 287 towards home, we came to the little town of Chillicothe, Texas. As we entered we were aghast. I think it was Betty that said, “I think Chilllcothe has seen better days.” The buildings were boarded up, and there was little sign of life. As we got further into the town, there was a little more life, and we saw a couple of nicer older homes. A Love’s BBQ was a in a little building, and it had pickup trucks around it – always a good sign.
“This is better.”
Then we noticed – Next to Love’s was a sign pointing to – Valley Pecans.
“Hey, let’s stop here.”
Robert did the U-turn thingy with the trusty Suburban, and stop we did. Here is what we saw. Valley Pecans – Looks like your normal roadside nut shed – right?
Sweet Mother of Pearl! What we walked into was beyond belief (especially considering what we had observed driving through Chillicothe). In this shed of two building was the cutest gift shop.
The shed (store) was full – Texas wines, local honey, jams, jellies, salsa, honey butters, pickles, relishes, fresh fudge, candy, fresh made scones and pecan pies, and of course pecans. And this was just the food offerings. There were unique gifts, home decor, seasonal decorations, Texas decor, kitchen wares, lamps, art work, candles, books, and more and more and more. What a shock!
Everywhere we looked there were great looking displays.
I really wanted this red basket tray and all of the pumpkins. It would have looked great in my red kitchen, but I had spent enough already, and it wasn’t cheap.
How appropriate for a pecan shop to have nutcrackers, and have nutcrackers they did!
Good looking!
One wall was filled with cookbooks, children’s books, and the cutest notepads.
If you have been looking for some decorative horny toads, they hav’em.
Of course there were pecans and also gourmet flavored pecans of every variety.
Now, we were not the only customers in Valley Pecans. My oh my! People were there, and they were buying. A couple of men (perhaps cleaned up hunters) were each buying six pounds ($11.75 a pound) plus of the pecans. I guess they were buying pecans as happies (little gifts) to take home since they had been hunting. What a nice happy! Or probably it would be closer to the truth that the wives had put in their orders. Other customers were there buying also. I do not know where all these people came from considering what we saw as we entered Chillicothe, Texas.
While talking to the owner of Valley Pecans, she told me they started selling pecans from their orchards out of the back of a pickup out on Highway 287. And now look what they have – two buildings filled with Texas goodies. I love it that in a little – and I do mean little – town like Chillicothe, Texas something this serendipitous exists.
If you are driving through Chillicothe, Texas, you might like to stop at Valley Pecans. The pecans are delicious – they gave us a sample – and it is a cute shop. Out front next to the highway is a sign that says, “WE’RE NOT JUST NUTS!”, and that’s the truth!
Next time I might go next door and try Love’s BBQ. I Googled Love’s BBQ, and they got some good reviews.
Blessings to you and yours,
I am so glad to be home!