Talk about a vintage cookbook. First Edition – 1954 – Better Homes and Gardens Junior Cookbook. Yes, I have saved and cherished it low these many years. If I told you how old I was when I got it, then you could figure out how old I am – not that most of you don’t already know. Still…
I have had it a while haven’t I? If I remember correctly, Mother got it for me at the Green Stamp Store – We loved, loved, LOVED the Green Stamp Store.
I am amazed at how timely some of the recipes are.
I recently saw sticks with names on them on Pinterest. Here they made ice cream pops, but cake pops or other desserts would work.
I want this Santa serving stand. If you have one, please let me borrow it. (I wouldn’t want to covet.)
Other recipes are too funny. How about this recipe for Saucy Spaghetti? There are only two ingredients – a can of spaghetti with sauce and Vienna sausages. It makes me laugh. I do love the 1950’s illustrations though. They make me laugh also.
Now how about some stuffed dates during the holidays? I think they are purity, but…. Stuffed dates with strips of jelly candy on top? I don’t know? They look good anyway.
Do you remember tuna casserole? I think I prepared this casserole at least once a week for our family. It was one of my “specialties”. Cream of mushroom soup, milk, tuna, potato chips (I used crackers.), and peas. I thought it was wonderfully divine! Shortly after we were married, I made this for Ever-Lovin’. It might be one of the few things I have made that he has refused to eat. He still contends that there had to be something missing, but what could one possibly omit – the tuna? Go figure!
I loved to cook as a child, and I still enjoy cooking. When I get stressed, you will probably find me in the kitchen.
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Blessings to you and yours,