Billboards do work. That big 14 X 48 foot sign (I Googled- How big is a billboard? – Aren’t you impressed?) promoting the Chickasaw Cultural Center in Sulphur, Oklahoma got our attention. I was so-o-o-o pleased when Ever-Lovin’ was interested in going to the center and suggested we visit it on our way home from Edmond (more about that later).
The Chickasaw Cultural Center is the fulfillment of a dream of the Chickasaw Nation. It is the largest tribal cultural arts center in the United States. Its purpose is to preserve, share, and celebrate the history and culture of the Chickasaw people. The museum features state of the art exhibits and interactive displays. Yes, it is a good place to take the kids.
Imagine hand carving a canoe. The iron pots held a special place of honor within the family. (I know – I am always interested in cooking utensils.)
Traditionally the quivers were made with the fur cuff. Never knew that.
Be still my heart! This was referred to as a cape, but it looked more like a dress to me. It is made of turkey feathers. I bet you had to be someone really special to get to wear this. It is beautiful.
This stunning display shows stomp dancing. There are demonstrations of stomp dancing at various times. Don’t you love the bright colors of their dress. I want to stomp dance.
This basket was full of beads. I don’t know if they were for trading, decorating or both. Again look at the beautiful colors. Other baskets held bells and metal beads.
The center is located on 109 acres of beautiful rolling hills a few miles east of I 35. I think it is exit 55. (Just look for the billboards.) The mission of the Chickasaw Cultural Center is to give the Chickasaw people and visitors a deeper understanding of past and present Chickasaw heritage and customs.
As we left the Chickasaw Cultural Center, both Ever-Lovin’ and I had a desire to learn more about the Chickasaw Nation. We did not visit other areas on the grounds. (Our bad. We should have gone to the Welcome Center so we would have had a better understanding of everything offered on the campus. Oh,well. Now we have a reason to go back.)
Do go if you get a chance. It is most interesting.
Blessings to you and yours,