High on the plains there’s a school so grand. Sure you know Andrews High is its name.
And that’s the truth!
It has been a week, and I still haven’t written about our good time at the Andrews High School Reunion. Andrews has a city wide reunion which means that anyone can come on any year to visit. Classes still have special years for celebrations. This year the class of ’62 was celebrating their fiftieth reunion. Since I have good friends in this class (and I love an excuse to go back to Andrews), we joined in their good times.
On Friday night there was a dinner at the Senior Citizen’s Center. How good to see and reunite with friends – I started to write old friends, but we are not old.
Robert and Betty greeted us at the door. Robert had worked for many, many months on a memory book for the class of ’62. He did a unbelievably wonderful fantastic job. There are pictures in the book from as far back as first grade. Thank you for a job well done!
It was good to see former teachers. Coach Goldsmith is always a favorite.
Mr. Scott and is wife are enjoying their new home in Lubbock. She says she has finally retired.
Mike was a hit with his two World Series rings. For most of his career he has been associated with the Philadelphia Phillies as a player, coach, etc. The rings look good on you Serena.
It was great to see good friends reunite.
These girls were having too much fun. Their laughter was contagious.
Leslie and Suzanne have spent countless hours working on behalf of the Andrews Exes. Thanks!
Good looking!
Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here. In all, around fifty members of the class of ’62 came to the reunion.
How fun is this? I love it! It was a happy time.
I gave Robert a copy of all the pictures I took, and I took a lot more than I could put on the blog. Contact him for pictures if you like.
Next year is the class of ’63 fiftieth reunion. I am so looking forward to visiting with everyone from our class.
Blessings to you and yours,