As Ever-Lovin’ said, ” You know you’re a redneck when – you go the the gas station to buy your shoes.”
Some of our favorite restaurants are housed in gas stations, but I have never shopped for shoes at a gas station until now.
(Sorry about the West Texas dust on the shoes. I tried to wash them, but it didn’t help. I should have taken the picture before I wore them. I’m a dork! They really do not look this bad in real life – just had to tell you.)
Here is how it happened. Friend BB had the cutest shoes. They had big sparkly jewels, and to top it off there was even a jewel on the heel. Everyone loved them – including me. She said she bought them at Cowpokes in Cisco, Texas on I-20. Cowpokes is a glorified gas station that carries great looking Texas decor. As you can tell, it is not your run-of-the-mill stop, fill up your car with gas, and get a soda type of place. Oh, you can get gas, drinks, and snacks at Cowpokes, but you can also get so much more. In this little store, you can find pictures, wall art, frames, hats, shoes, etc. Friend BB is a regular at Cowpokes. If she is going to Merkel, she stops and shops.
Because I wanted to be like BB, I begged Ever-Lovin’ to stop. He did! (Thank you very much.) I was eager to see if any of the shoes at Cowpokes would fit me. After all, we were on our way to the Andrews High School Reunion, and I just knew the shoes with big jewels and the added jewel on the heel would be p-u-r-r-fect.
Be still my heart! They had shoes in my size, and they were comfortable. Yea, yea, yea, yea, yea! How wonderful is that? FYI: They are made by Montana West.
Proud to be a redneck – especially when you can find shoes this comfortable and this good looking.
Blessings to you and yours,