It all began when Nephew Garrett told Super Sister that there was a place she HAD to go. It was “definitely her kind of place.” It is called The Frisco Mercantile. Of course, it was closed when we drove by. We are so good at visiting closed stores. Super Sister had to go home (boo-hoo), and we didn’t get to go.
Number Two Son’s bride Jenny is looking for furniture. We were scouring thrift shops and consignment stores in the Frisco area when we passed the Frisco Mercantile. Remembering what Nephew Garrett had mentioned, we thought we might check it out. Wow! There are some good things in this antique, craft, and home decor mall.
Bird’s nest, candles, and other nature items fill this booth.
Darling children and adult clothing is available.
How precious are these angel wings.
As you would expect, there were plenty of burlap items available, – burlap ribbon, burlap bags, burlap wreaths, burlap drapes, and burlap pillows – and I’m sure that is just the beginning of the list.
The Union Jack was there in clothing and a chest.
Check out this booth full of vintage hunting, fishing, and western items.
Religious art is in abundance in the mall. This reminds me of items we saw in New Mexico.
Here are a couple of doors that caught my fancy. The top door’s inset is painted with chalk paint. I love the cups designed to hold the chalk. If this door was the door to a garage, you could list what Ever-Lovin’ calls a “flight plan.” While I was teaching school, the “flight plan” kept me from forgetting important items -badge, phone, a jacket, papers, etc. – on my way out the door. This cute door looks a lot better than the paper note we taped to the door to our garage. It is a perfect message board, and I think it is so cute.
“Behind every door there is a story.” So true. They made this door into a wall hanging. What a good idea.
Where could I use this sign? It is so interesting. I feel certain it is a repoduction, but I do like it.
These are metal roses with magnets on the back. They would certainly dress up your fridge.
I have to stop. There are so many different things to see and buy at the Frisco Mercantile, and I can’t show all of them to you. (Their web site mentions that there is 38,000 square feet of shopping, and 250 shopping suites.) You will have to go see for yourself. There is a good mix of old and new, handmade crafts and items bought at market, art and collectibles. Jenny mentioned that going to this mall made her want to start crafting again.
FYI: The Frisco Mercantile is located on Preston Road at Main Street (Frisco).
Unfortunately, Super Sister still hasn’t been able to visit Frisco Mercantile. I can’t wait for us to go there together.