At Casa Flamingo, there is always a party. Cathy and Caitlyn entertain easily and with such grace. Someone is usually out by the pool. I envy how they do it. Last time we were there, Caitlyn was making stuffed jalapeno peppers on the grill.
(I can not believe that I can not find a picture of Caitlyn. This is terrible.)
Let me tell you a little bit about Caitlyn. The first thing you have to know is – Caitlyn is beyond wonderful. I am telling the truth. She is knock-down gorgeous – not just pretty, but gorgeous, kind, friendly, talented, hard working (the best realtor in Bastrop County), and the mother of Charlie whom I adore. For the record, she has a wonderful husband. Did I mention that she is also a good cook?
Caitlyn had 10 or 12 jalapeno peppers that she halved and seeded. They weren’t monster size, but just about 2-3 inches long. BEWARE of the seeds. Pretty girl was crying at times. You do not want the juice or the seeds of a jalapeno in your baby blues (or browns or greens). Also, make as many of these as you like. Really make more than you think you will need.
Now the fun begins. Take wonderfully delicious cream cheese. (Have I told you how much I love, love, love cream cheese. The world is a better place in part because of cream cheese. – Sorry to digress.) You will need at least an 8 ounce block of cream cheese. Fill each jalapeno half with cream cheese.
See that beautiful bacon on the cutting board. Cut 10 – 12 slices in half, (now you have 20 – 24 pieces – remember, I was a second grade teacher). Wrap a piece of bacon around each stuffed jalapeno. You could secure with a toothpick, but don’t stress out over this. I promise you, these are so sinfully delicious no matter what!
Aren’t they purty! Can’t you see the love? Spicy peppers filled with sweet mellow cream cheese, and then swaddled by the best the piggies have to offer. Pure decadence!
Take one of those grill pans that has holes in the bottom, and is made to cook veggies or other small items on the outdoor grill. I found a good one at a discount store for $4.00. Cover the grill pan with foil, place the jalapenos in the pan, and then place the pan on the hot grill. Again no stress, just cook these beauties until the bacon is to your liking – about 25-30 minutes.
Here is the finished product. Look at all that goodness. Now the bad news. It is really sad. On this day, Ever-Lovin’ and I had to leave before the peppers were done. We got nary a taste of these puppies. Caitlyn was kind enough or cruel enough (depending on your point of view) to send me this picture from her phone.
Here’s what I am thinking. Wouldn’t these be wonderful to serve on July 4th? Oh, yeah! And if I make them, hopefully I will get to eat them.
Blessings to you and yours,