La Machine broke. The trusted, loved and often used food processor that I got in the late 70’s or early 80’s is gone. Back then I demonstrated the La Machine food processors at Joske’s (?) in Valley View Mall. Most days the Cuisinart lady was also demonstrating her food processor. We grated vegetables and cheese. We chopped onions and celery. We sliced carrots, zucchini, and potatoes. We made peanut butter and vegetable spread for bagels. If I remember the spiel correctly, the La Machine had a more powerful motor, and about the same capacity as the Cuisinart food processor but cost a lot less. I sold myself on the La Machine and had it and loved it for low these many years. It was my favorite kitchen appliance. For thirty something years I had La Machine, and then the lid fell off the counter and broke. That plastic that was suppose to be the same plastic used on space missions broke. UGH!
Ever-Lovin’ said I had to get a new food processor because I use a food processor so often. If I understand this correctly, La Machines are no longer sold in the USA. I don’t know why. I began to study what else to buy. I am hear to tell you that I am not sure about what I did, but it seemed okay at the time.
Long story short – I got the BIG Cuisinart. After a rebate, it was $20.00 more than the middle size processor, BUT I got a box that holds all the blades. That I am excited about. Love the box. The jury is still out on the food processor. For one thing, I have been too intimidated by it to use it. Ever-Lovin’ says it has more part than the Space Shuttle. (Three bowls, five blades, two pushers, the center post and a brush for cleaning the grooves.) It even comes with a DVD of instructions. (It would probable help if I would watch the DVD.)
After probably six weeks or more, I decided that today was the day. I wanted to make white pimento cheese, and grating cheese by hand did not seem like a good option. After washing the parts, Ever-Lovin’ helped me assemble Big C. The lid is so hard to snap onto the bowls. Maybe with a little use things will improve. It did a good job of grating and chopping, and that is the bottom line. The little bowl was great for chopping the nuts. (I chopped them some more after this picture because …)
BTW – After getting all the cheese grated, I realized I did not have any pimentos. It was pouring down rain, and neither of us wanted to go to the store. Well you know the saying, “Necessity is the mother of invention”. I made two different flavors of cheese spread today.
Ever-Lovin’ wanted a pepper spread so I used half the cheese and added three chipotle peppers in adobo sauce diced as fine as I could dice them. You could adjust the heat to your liking by adding more or less peppers. For the other half of the cheese, I added pecans and half a small can of diced olives. Both spreads were yummy, yummy, yummy delicious!
It makes me happy when unexpected blessings come our way. I think the two new cheese spreads fall into the unexpected category. What else would make a good cheese spread?
Blessings to you and yours,