The Royal Couple celebrate their first anniversary in April. Here is how we celebrated last April. We held a “Royal Wedding Shower Tea”. Each guest came dressed in their English best – hats, gloves, pearls, etc. Jane is the gardener in our group. She came as an English gardener. So clever and cute. I hate it that I can’t fine a picture of her. Guest brought shower gifts to exchange. On other posts, I have shared the invitations, menu, and many of the recipes used at the tea. It was a wonderful day because the guest were willing participants. For this, I thank them.
What one should wear, and hats were a constant topic of conversation before the Royal Tea. Such fun! We all wondered who would wear the largest hat.
I think friend BB won the prize for the most unusual hat. She found it at a local antique shop.
I found my hat at a charity thrift shop. It was beautiful! Big, white and very English looking. I wanted it so badly, but they told me it was not for sale. Ugh…Why??? There was a good reason. This to die for hat was to be worn in a charity style show. I understood. They wanted this hat to represent their shop. But where there was a will, maybe there was a way. Now the style show was two days after the Royal Tea Shower. I begged them to let me borrow The Hat, and promised to return it the day after the shower. In the end, they agreed to let me borrow The Hat. I signed my life away. Name, two phone numbers, next of kin, drivers license – okay, not the drivers license, but I was surprised I didn’t have to leave a sample of my blood so they could track me down. So for $5.00, I had The Hat to wear to the shower. I know they were nervous when I walked out the door with The Hat on my head. I heard the poor man mumble something about hoping his wife would not be too upset. But, I was so thankful for their kindness. The Hat was returned as promised (thanks to friend BB) in time for their style show.
Check out some of the hats at the Royal Wedding Tea Shower. (Dorky me doesn’t have all the pictures to show you, but you will get the idea. Sorry!) While viewing the Royal Wedding, many of us exclaimed that we felt our hats would have fitted right in. Ta Dah!
The idea for a royal party could be used for many occasions. The Queen is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee this summer. Give her a party and let your friends celebrate. Maybe you have a friend that needs to be “Queen for a Day”. Every spring Queen Elizabeth hosts garden parties. Piggyback and host your own Royal Garden Party.
Blessings! I am so thankful to have these wonderful ladies as my friends.
PS Coming soon – Our plans to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee.